Career Technical Education
Career Technical Education (CTE) courses provide students with the skills they need to be successful in their postsecondary education and future career. Each CTE class offers students the opportunities to explore careers in industries that are thriving in our region. In addition, students apply skills learned in their “core academic” classes, giving them the competitive advantage of moving beyond theory and into practice.
Staff Directory
Business Law
The Business Law course is open to grades 10 to 12. It satisfies the Applied Academics graduation requirement and the Subject G UC/CSU requirement.
The goal of this class is to provide students with the legal skills necessary for them to survive in today's world. The course provides knowledge of how to protect one's rights while observing the rights of others. Included are topics such as the nature and kinds of law, legal rights and responsibilities, contracts, crimes, torts, law for the minor, ethics, landlord and tenant relationships, real and personal property, bailments, and business organizations.
Bui, Sean | (408) 366-7352 | Law Teacher/ELD Program Coordinator |
Computer Applications
The Computer Applications course is open students in grades 9 to 12 and satisfies the Applied Academic graduation requirement.
An introductory computer course with an emphasis on computer literacy and the practical application of computer knowledge as used in business, industry and everyday life. Hands‐on computer learning and the use of software programs and computer applications commonly used in school, business and industry will be stressed. Common applications covered include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Townsend, Jen | (408) 366-7388 ex.7337 | Business Teacher/Department Lead |
International Business
The International Business course is open to students in grades 10 to 12. It satisfies the Applied Academics graduation requirement and the Subject G UC/CSU requirement.
International Business provides an introduction to economic, cultural, and political factors that influence business. The course includes fundamentals of import/export business, business structures, business plans, trade relations, financial transactions, legal agreements, and global entrepreneurship.
Townsend, Jen | (408) 366-7388 ex.7337 | Business Teacher/Department Lead |
Principles of Business
The Principles of Business course is open to students in grades 9 to 12 and satisfies the
Applied Academics graduation requirements. It satisfies the Applied Academics graduation
requirement and the Subject G UC/CSU requirement.
This course focuses on the study of Economics, Finance, Commerce and Entrepreneurship. It is intended as the basic or introductory course for those students seeking to establish a foundation for upper division courses in Business and other Social Sciences. Upon successful completion of this course many students plan on pursuing undergraduate studies in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Marketing or Pre‐Law.
Townsend, Jen | (408) 366-7388 ex.7337 | Business Teacher / Department Lead |
High School Graduation & College Entrance Requirements
High School Graduation Requirements
There is a one-year requirement for graduation. Applied Arts (Business, Woods, and Foods) is one of the “selective electives”, along with Fine Arts and Modern Language. A student must earn 10 credits in two of the three areas. If a student earns 10 credits from Applied Arts (Business, Woods, and Foods) they would still need 10 credits from Fine Arts or Modern Language for graduation.
College Entrance Requirements
There is no applied arts requirement for college entrance.
Please note: There are two business classes offered at Cupertino that fall into the “g” College Prep Elective category: Law and International Business and Principles of Business.
Staff Directory
Introduction to Engineering and Alternative Energy
Introduction to Engineering and Alternative Energy introduces students to the basic concepts and skills required of engineers and designers working in a professional environment. Students demonstrate their skills by providing alternative energy solutions to real world problems. Each project is designed to replicate a real-world engineering project in which students conduct research and propose possible solutions to the problems posed by the “client." Students work in teams to create a Design Brief for each of a series of progressively more difficult hands-on-projects and present their solutions to the “client." This class introduces students to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) as an integral component of the design, engineering and manufacturing process.
UC A-G approved course
Environmental Engineering and Sustainability
Environmental Engineering and Sustainability is year two of the Environmental Engineering Pathway that builds upon student’s knowledge from the Introduction to Engineering and Alternative Energy course. Students build upon their knowledge of CAD design, the Engineering Design Process, and project management software to research, analyze and apply real world energy solutions using solar, wind, and hydro energy and applying sustainability fundamentals. Students demonstrate their skills in developing model prototypes, and analyzing and applying changes based on feedback from "clients". Students work in teams to create Engineering Design Briefs for each of a series of progressively more difficult hands-on-projects and present their solutions to the “client”. This class enhances students' abilities to integrate intermediate-level Computer-Aided Design (CAD) skills into the design, engineering, and collaborative team processes. In addition, students will investigate and develop a personalized career path through a series of research-based career projects.
UC A-G approved course
Culinary Arts
Staff Directory
Introduction to Culinary Careers: Foods and Nutrition
Open to grades 9 to 12, satisfies Applied Academics graduation requirement
This is a preparatory course addressing many aspects of food preparation including safety and sanitation, measurement basics, kitchen tools and uses, nutrition, basic food science, and of course meal planning and preparation. The goal of this course is to introduce the kitchen novice to the wonderful world of food and flavors. This course is open to all interested students.
Culinary Careers
Open to grades 10 to 12, satisfies Applied Academics graduation requirement
Culinary Careers is an intermediate course in food preparation. The student will review safety, sanitation, nutrition, and time management. This course delves deeper into meal planning and offers more opportunities for creativity and recipe creation. Culinary Careers will introduce aspects of the restaurant business. The goal is to allow the students to explore their interest in the culinary arts for personal enjoyment or as a possible career option.