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School Counseling Team

Welcome to the Cupertino High School Counseling Department! The Counseling Office is open from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Counseling Offices and the College and Career Center are located in the Student Union Building.

School Counselors are generally available for student drop-in visits during Brunch and Lunch. Appointments are recommended for all other times as School Counselors are often in classroom presentations or other meetings throughout the day.

Staff Directory

Portrait of Melina Nafrada


Melina Nafrada

Assistant Principal, Counseling

(408) 366-7319

Portrait of Jennifer Jacobs


Jennifer Jacobs

Administrative Support, Counseling

(408) 366-7377


Concurrent Enrollment Forms

For De Anza or Foothill, please enter the email address directly from the College Student Portal

Portrait of Gregg Buie


Gregg Buie

School Counselor (Student Last Names A to F)

Hours 7:30am - 3:00pm


(408) 366-7328

Portrait of Anna Jackson


Anna Jackson

School Counselor (Student Last Names G to Le)

Hours: M/W/F 8:00am - 3:30pm & Tu/Th 8:45am-4:15pm


(408) 366-7358

Portrait of Tamara Emmert


Tamara Emmert

School Counselor (Student Last Names Li to R)

Hours 8:15am - 3:45pm


(408) 366-7312

Portrait of Lillie Phares


Lillie Phares

School Counselor (Student Last Names S to Z)

Hours 8:00am - 3:30pm


(408) 366-7330

Portrait of Wendy Amick


Wendy Amick

College and Career Advisor

Hours: M/Tu/Thu 7:30am - 4:00 pm & W/F 7:15am - 3:45pm

(408) 366-7309

Portrait of Cheryl Hassett


Cheryl Hassett

School Registrar

(408) 366-7379

  • Student Registration 
  • Student Withdrawal
  • Transcript requests
Portrait of Rosalba Hernandez


Rosalba Hernandez

Data Technician

(408) 366-7369

  • Infinite Campus Parent Access
  • Infinite Campus Parent Phone/Email Changes
Christopher Hickey

School Based Therapist (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist)

(408) 366-7326

Denise Salin

School Based Therapist (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist)

(408) 366-7329